C-BIOS Association
What is C-BIOS?
- C-BIOS is a BIOS compatible with the MSX BIOS
- C-BIOS was written from scratch by BouKiCHi
- C-BIOS is available for free, including its source code
(2-clause BSD license)
- C-BIOS can be shipped with MSX emulators so they are usable
out-of-the-box without copyright issues
Current Status
- C-BIOS lives as a collaborative project on SourceForge.net.
- C-BIOS is shipped with several MSX emulators and Linux distributions.
- Most ROM games run fine on C-BIOS.
- There is no cassette support yet.
- There is no disk support yet.
- There is no BASIC yet.
Emulators that ship with C-BIOS
Project pages